Bring the magic of date night to your business

Join merchants in your area who are bringing in new customers and growing awareness in their city, all while helping couples deepen their relationship.

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Make business boom and relationships thrive with a local merchant partnership with Datebox

Datebox is a monthly subscription service, providing completely planned date nights to couples, sent directly to their front door or email inbox once a month. We partner with local businesses like you to bring you new customers, and give our couples new and exciting experiences for date night.


Create your offer

You’ll work with a Datebox specialist to craft a date offer that brings maximum value to both our couples, & your business’s bottom line. Already have an idea of what you’ll offer? Great! You can get started now . If not, we’ll brainstorm with you and come up with the perfect idea for date night.


Redeem the offer

Datebox will send a date to our customers on the 10th of each month. This means customers could be walking in the door any day after that. They’ll let you know they are with Datebox, show you a unique offer code and a button to redeem it on their phone. All you have to do is redeem the offer, provide the date experience you created, and Datebox will pay you directly for each couple we send you.


Check the results

Each month, you can log in to your merchant portal and see a breakdown of how many customers came through, how much Datebox has paid you, etc. You can even set it up so we automatically send you an email each month with these numbers.

Ready to try it out?

Join together with businesses in your area to bring back the magic of date night.

Have some more questions before diving in?

Send us an email

Who is using it?

Common Questions

How can partnering with Datebox local help my business?

We send out dates to thousands of couples every month. Many of those couples have never been in your door, or even heard of you. A partnership with Datebox Local is an affordable and out-of-the-box marketing strategy designed to bring growth and awareness, all while helping coulpes deepen their relationship.

How do couples redeem an offer at my business?

It’s really pretty straightforward. We send out the offers to our couples with their monthly date. The couple would then come to your business on date night, say they are with Datebox, and show you a unique code and link on their phone.

You can then tap the link, confirm the redemption, and then provide the agreed upon offer to them.

Am I giving away product for free?

Nope! Your specialized Datebox representative will work with you to create the best date experience possible that you’d like to provide. We’ll help you create an offer that is both valuable to our couples, as well as your bottom line. We pay you monthly for any offers that are redeemed by our couples, and you get the opportunity to win over a new customer entering your doors.

How many couples will you send me?

If you’d like as many new customers as possible, we’ll send them to you. If you’d like to limit your offer to a certain number of couples each month, we can do that too. Your date offer can be customized in many different ways and your Datebox specialist will help you with all the details.

Have more questions? Send us an email